The Harmony Principles
8 Principles for Thriving Femininity

Interested in finding out more about how to live in alignment with your feminine energy, how to honor your most profound, feminine needs, how to bring and maintain harmony in your life as a woman?
The 8 Principles of Harmony will help you with this. Happy reading.
My friend kept stirring her coffee, nervously. I sat in silence, recognizing her need to form her own ideas before sharing them with me.
“I’ve done it all. Self-help. Improvement seminars. Reflection. Habits. I’ve set goals and crushed them. But this feeling just won’t go away. Why do I keep feeling like c**p all the time? I’m more frustrated now than in the beginning, and at times I just feel like I’m going to blow up. My mom tells me I don’t know how to appreciate all the things I’ve got going for me, but what good is having all this if I feel tired, resentful, even angry all the time?”
I was about to answer, but she continued, still stirring nervously her coffee.
“All my life I never wanted anything more than to do well. I’ve been top of my class. I’ve graduated from Uni while working a demanding job. I was among the first women to be promoted to management roles. I’ve had my share of romance, with butterflies and all. Now I have two wonderful children, but sometimes I just feel I’m not there for them, really, you know? So I have it all. The job. The husband. The house. The kids. Why do I feel like I really don’t have anything at all? Is my mom right? Am I just being ungrateful?”
I sighed. In my practice, I’ve seen stories similar to hers so many times. And to be fully honest, I recognized her story because, in part, it was my story. It’s heartbreaking to realize that you’ve been working all your life without really paying attention to the most important thing: yourself. Heartbreaking, yes, but also empowering. Because once you grieve what you could have been, you’re left with an open field for you to start anew. to learn how to live so that you feel nourished, replenished, and in harmony with life.
What I found through my personal journey and those of the women I’ve worked with is that most women miss a vital ingredient when trying to get (or restore) balance in their lives: as sad as it is, most of us ignore our very feminine nature. It’s no one’s fault. We live in a culture that has placed at its core masculine values and ways of being. Of course, it’s tempting to follow the existing norm, maybe because we see it as a way to win in life (“be a fighter”, “dominate”, “crush it” - sounds familiar?) or simply because it’s the only way we knew.
Yet what I find is that recently more and more women have started to manifest an interest in the area of feminine energy, and are looking for ways to include more of it in their lives. It’s an awakening; an awakening to the fact that living a harmonious, vibrant, authentic life is also about honoring our womanhood. Call it what you want - womanhood, femininity, feminine energy, feminine nature, there’s just no escaping the fact that by pushing it away so that we can conform to this masculine society we’re living in we are pushing away parts of ourselves.
So how do you start honoring your feminine energy? How do you connect to those profound, maybe neglected, parts of you? While each journey is going to be unique, there are certain areas I found coming up again and again when talking about core feminine needs. This is why (and how) I’ve created the Harmony Principles. In essence, the principles reflect different areas one should nurture in order to live a balanced life, a life that honors the feminine and allows it to bloom.
Are you ready? Let's dive in.
The Harmony Principles For Thriving Femininity
1. Connect to your profound self
This area is about your connection to the innermost parts of yourself, your soul, your thoughts, and your emotions; about knowing, befriending yourself, and being comfortable with your inner world.
One feels fulfilled in this area when she is able to connect to the deepest, most intimate parts of herself, when she understands and manages her emotional landscape, when she stays silent so her soul can speak.
This is also about the ability to connect to all your senses and sensuality (something we sadly ignore or see as shallow), as well as the connection to your intuition.
2. Bask in the mystery and flow of life
Just as we need to be connected to our inner world, we also need to be connected to the more mystical, spiritual, and, why not, magical aspects of life. Whether through spiritual practices, connection to nature, experiencing a state of awe, or even transcendence, humans have always searched for the divine in its various forms.
The feminine essence has a natural inclination towards flow. This means, on one side, accepting life as it is, being fully immersed in whatever we are doing in the moment, and embracing change (instead of being stuck), but it also speaks about the need to enjoy life by inviting in playful, fun moments, warm laughter and spontaneity.
You balance this area of life by connecting to the spiritual plane (regardless of the practice), by encouraging flow and a sense of play and enjoyment in your life.
3. Embrace your creative power
This area is about our natural ability to create. Yes, giving birth is included, yet it’s not limited to having children but rather to creation in all its forms (it could be a project, a business, or creating art…) . It’s about exploring our creative side, about embracing our talents and passions, but also about recognizing ourselves as creative beings who can manifest dreams into life.
Ultimately, it’s about mastering the abundance around us and bringing it into tangible form. To balance this area, use your creative powers, as often as possible. It could mean you taking time to write, paint, or sing, but it could also mean starting a company, creating a support group for a cause you care about, or redecorating your home.
4. Lead your life from a place of authenticity
The fourth area is centered around the concept of authenticity and our ability to express ourselves authentically in our daily lives. It is also about the need to be the leaders of our own lives. Think about this point as empowerment: a woman leading her life from a place of authenticity is comfortable in her own skin, knows her values, her priorities, her mission, and purpose in life, is well connected to her inner world and is unafraid to express it on the outside. Being the leader of your life means that you know who you are, your wishes, and your dreams and you set up your life in a way that puts you on the path toward manifesting them in reality. There’s no stopping a woman who takes ownership of her life, feels empowered to express herself in authentic ways, and gets to her goals using her own gifts and intuition while following her own path (instead of adopting all the woulds, shoulds and musts life has placed on her).
5. Honor and care for all aspects of yourself
This is self-care, in all its aspects; I want you to take a moment to reflect on this term, because too frequently people say self-care and think of a massage, some time off, or a nice bubble bath; all these things are great, but I would like you to think about self-care not only from a sense of pampering but also from one of doing what is good & right from you.
Taking care of your emotional landscape is self-care; including habits and rituals to take care of your physical body is self-care; minding to your spirituality & soul is self-care; and so is personal growth - reading a book, taking a course, learning a new skill- this is also self-care.
When we practice self-care in all its aspects, we’re not only recharged and ready to take on the day, but we also give ourselves the tools and knowledge to move closer to our vision.
6. Connect with others
All humans feel a need for belonging. Studies have shown that the number one predictor of life satisfaction is the quality of our connections.
Women have always been seen as the heart and soul of the home, the family, the community. Why is that? Because women have a natural inclination toward connecting with others. Their innate empathy and care draw others close; their skills in harmonizing contexts and bringing light and peace create a nourishing environment. Building and maintaining healthy, supportive connections, and the sense of belonging that they bring is essential for a happy, fulfilled life. This can be in the context of your romantic relationship, your family, but also through communities of interest or your circle of friends. So stay connected. Nourish your relationships; all parties involved - including yourself - will reap the benefits. Because we all need to be heard, seen, and understood.
7. Tap into your ability to nurture & heal
The feminine has a natural ability to hold space for others, to offer care, love, and attention to the ones around. We not only manifest things into life through our power of creation, but have a natural ability to nurture them into fruition.
This area of the feminine self is about our contribution to the world and the quality of that contribution - caring, loving, supporting, healing. Just as for the power of creation, this doesn’t refer only to having children and caring for them, but it’s also about our homes, our family, our communities, our projects, and our friends. So whether it’s about that girl who needs a friendly ear, about your teen who simply needs you to hold space for them, or about growing the business that you’ve started into a successful business, don’t hesitate to tap into your ability to nurture and heal. Your sense of purpose and meaning will benefit; so will the entire world, along with you.
8. Maintain balance
As much as we are beings who thrive when we live in flow, we also have a need to maintain balance - between giving and receiving, between the areas of our lives but also balance in the sense of safety and stability.
Honoring this area is about giving and receiving care, giving and receiving time and attention, but also about things like our sense of security in relationships, the need to create boundaries, financial safety, and, of course, physical safety.
At a deeper level, this is also about balancing feminine and masculine energies in our lives - remember that embracing your feminine energy does not mean banning masculine energy from your life.
How to use the principles
You can use the principles to figure out if any of the areas are out of balance, and figure out specific steps to rebalance that. Of course, even if the 8 principles apply to all, you are going to have a different end result because we are all unique individuals with our own passions, values, purpose, and ways of expressing ourselves. I like to think about the Harmony Principles as a framework to empower you to be more of you, not somebody else. We each follow our own path.
Remember though that this is not a one-time thing: I started using these principles in my life a while ago, and while I value them I find that the how in each area changes as my life evolves. It’s natural, and I see it as a blessing rather than a chore. In my life, it has become more of a reflection tool.
If you are just starting out, you may find that the amount of things you would like to change or begin in each area is overwhelming. Please know that it’s alright to focus only on one area at a time, or on a few changes from each at a time
Last but not least, I want to take a moment to recognize that the qualities described here are not something only women possess. In a way, it represents more how feminine energy manifests (or wants to manifest) in each of us. Yet, I feel that women are the ones who most express the need to tend to this side of themselves; to honor it, and to allow it to shine. My hope is that this article has brought you one step further in your journey back to yourself.
The Shakti in me sees the Shakti in you