How to Activate Your Feminine Energy | 6 Powerful Practices so Your Mind, Body, and Soul will Open to Your Inner Goddess
This article will take you through the first practices you should consider if you want to activate your feminine energy - and why they matter when you’re just starting out.

Photo credit: Marivi Pazos on Unsplash
There was a time in my life when I lived completely in my masculine. I was an aggressive go-getter who pushed through all obstacles and pain. I was also suppressing my feminine energy; I was tired, depleted, and, despite all accomplishments, unable to see the light, joy, or goodness in what I was doing or who I had become. I am and forever will be grateful for all that I’ve learned and all the people I’ve met during those years. But there came a time when I knew I had to make some changes.
Needless to say, the shift to living a more feminine life was not easy for me. After a lifetime spent mostly in my masculine energy, I couldn't even picture myself living a more feminine life.
Still, there was this internal knowing that I must do this.
But how do you start living a feminine life? How do you "soften" or "tap into your feminine energy"?
The internet is filled with advice on how to awaken your feminine energy. I find this to be a good thing, because it’s an unprecedented focus on the feminine. Still, for somebody just starting this journey, it can be confusing, overwhelming, or both.
This is why I’ve selected a set of six practices to incorporate into your life when you’ve just started exploring what feminine energy is and how to embody it; not only do they have the power to connect you with your feminine in themselves, but they are also building blocks for many other practices that will help you elevate your feminine vibrations and really access all the gifts our feminine holds for us.
No, really, slow. down. I know that there’s a lot on your plate. I know life keeps pulling us in a thousand directions, but you need to give yourself permission to slow down and (gasp!) even take a break from time to time.
So much of what's to follow depends on it - because you can't really hear your intuition or allow your creativity to manifest from a state of stress and rush; in other words, it's more difficult, if at all possible, to access your feminine energy when you are not relaxed enough.
Slowing down is about taking breaks, but it’s also about the way you carry yourself. It’s about walking with grace, shoulders straight, head held high; it’s about taking your time to answer, instead of feeling pressured to reply on the spot; it’s about remembering to breathe when crises occur or pressure mounts; the thing is, you cannot soften when you’re always running or in a hurry.
Of course, there are circumstances where that’s just not possible - and that’s alright, but the more you practice, the more you’ll discover that not rushing doesn’t actually mean you achieve less (oh, the irony).
In slowing down, you’ll also be taking one of the most important steps towards a goddess life: you show yourself, and others, that you matter; you prioritize yourself, and, as a result, you send a signal to the world on how it is that you want to be treated.
Here are a few questions for you:
What does your body need?
Are you able to honor that?
Can you relax and soften your body, letting go of the tensions you may feel?
While you’re at it, can you allow that feeling of relaxation to be visible on your face - gaze, your smile, your eyes?
How often do you do this? How often are you aware of your body’s needs, or how tense you are, at any point during the day?
In case you’ve answered “no” to a few too many times, know that I’m not asking these questions to shame you; in fact, most women who are disconnected from their feminine are also disconnected from their bodies.
The reason I’m asking these questions is so that you can pick them up and use them on your own, as a reminder, until you’ve learned to do this as a way of being.
The gateway to our masculine is through our mind; the gateway to our feminine is through our bodies.
You want to start practicing what it feels like to stay connected to your body, your feelings, your intuition, your softness - your femininity, in fact, as early as possible.
When you are connected to your body, you ground yourself, you feel more secure in your body, and more in tune with your emotions. Remember that time when you were embarrassed and you felt your cheeks flushing?
This is because our feelings oftentimes manifest in our bodies; by staying open to the signals they send us, we can understand ourselves better, feel our feelings, and be on our way to learning how to express them on the outside with grace, courage, and femininity.
By listening to your body, you learn to put your needs first - or, at the very least, you learn to be aware of your needs (depending on where your journey starts).
I know this was an area of struggle for me; it wasn’t until I learned how to stay connected to my feminine energy that I realized how much I was neglecting my own needs - even small ones, like the need for food, or rest, or just noticing when I was on fight or flight mode so I could calm myself down.
Then, there is the connection to our intuition(also called “a gut feeling” ). Being connected to your intuition may take some practice, but for now, just know that you need to learn to stay connected to your body if you are to decipher the signals it sends you.
And there is more. The feminine is sensual and perceptive; when you embody your feminine, you know how to use all your senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste - to make the most out of life, but you also become highly perceptive, being connected to your senses at a deep level.
In a world where there’s a premium on rushing and competing - even at your own expense, in a world that makes it so easy to lose ourselves in the daily grind, dare to remain grounded, dare to pay attention to your own needs and desires, dare to be authentic.
It will feel like the chains are finally off.

Original image credit: Monika Kozub on Unsplash
When you slow down and ground yourself, you’ll be able to notice more. More of what’s around you, but also more of what’s inside - what drives you, what “ticks” you, your beliefs and ways of seeing the world.
This goes for your beliefs in general, but here I’m mainly talking about the way you think about femininity, feminine attributes, and the ways you approach life.
It’s now time to take care of your life by curating the beliefs that you want to keep and letting go of the rest - because our beliefs, our worldview, have an undeniable effect on how we relate to the world and how we live our lives.
Some beliefs are obviously harmful - like “Women are weak,” but others are more insidious because on the surface they seem reasonable: “Winners never sleep”; “Keep your emotions for yourself,” “They shouldn’t know you can be vulnerable,” “Success is about status/money”… and I could go on, and on - and I’m pretty sure you can, too.
These beliefs are the result of a masculine way of viewing the world, and they are sure to keep you in a masculine way of being and acting.
As you learn to lean more into your feminine energy and embody it, you’ll learn to spot these kinds of beliefs quicker - in yourself and others. You’ll learn to distance yourself from them. You’ll learn to let go of the pressure to behave (or not) in certain ways to prove yourself.
This is about honoring the woman that you are, knowing that there is nothing weak about being feminine, and being at ease with a different way of attracting what we want into our lives - one that doesn’t involve constant pushing and striving but rather being magnetic to our vision and desires.
The first step is to start questioning your own beliefs and start letting go of the patterns that are not serving you. It’s not an overnight change, but it is one of the most powerful you could embrace.
If you’ve read one single article about feminine and masculine energies, you’ve surely heard that the masculine is about doing, and the feminine is about being.
So, does this mean that when you activate your feminine energy you’ll stop everything you were doing and never take action? Well, no, for more than one reason.
First, you want to learn to balance masculine and feminine; it’s not about being in your feminine energy at all times, but about knowing how to use both of them.
Second, taking breaks and resting does not mean completely stopping and just being still (incidentally, the feminine is repelled by stagnation).
Third, and most importantly, I think too many get this point wrong: you see, it’s not acting or not acting that should be in focus here, but rather the quality of our actions.
Picture this: you're in a high-stakes meeting. Instead of the classic "push through it, compete, win at any cost" approach...'re now connected to your intuition. This connection enables you to influence others effectively or make better, faster decisions.
...your receptivity is heightened, it works on a different level, and you use this, your empathy, and your gift for connection to listen intently and drive consensus. are strongly connected to the goddess within you, and you honor her by letting your colleague know, in a gentle but decisive tone, that you weren’t done talking. You’re self-assured and boundaries are just something you do with ease.
When you start embodying your feminine energy, it shows, not only in the way you look but also - and most importantly - in how you show up in the world.

Photo credits: Janita Sumeiko on Unsplash
It might sound obvious, but if you’re barely starting to experiment with what it means to activate your feminine energy, you’ll want to place yourself in contexts where it’s easy for you to embody that energy.
What those contexts are will vary for each of us, since we’re not all living the same life, but I find that in general, there are three things you should consider in the beginning: your relationships, your home, and your sense of safety. Let’s break them down a bit.
Your Relationships
If you’ve been stuck in your masculine energy for a long time, chances are your relationships reflect this too.
Don’t worry, I’m not saying you need to cut ties with old friends (although in time you may find that as you step more and more into your feminine some relationships just fade away); you will, however, benefit from finding your sisterhood, your tribe.
The feminine soul is built to seek and nurture connections. You should begin cultivating relationships that provide inspiration and support, allowing you to express your femininity freely.
Your Home
Since this is the place you’re likely to spend most of your time in, you want to create a sanctuary for your femininity, a reflection of your spirit, a place that appeals to your senses and makes it easy for you to relax and soften.
The reason I place so much importance on this is that most of the time, our homes are a reflection of how we feel and can be conducive to different states - think clutter versus a clear, bright space, for example.
So, is your home conducive to calmness? Does it reflect your taste in colors, shape, art? Can you relax and soften while you’re there?
Your Sense of Safety
Safety is important because your feminine cannot come to light when you don’t feel safe. What happens is that in times of stress or danger, it’s our masculine that will drive our actions, since the masculine holds that energy of protecting and fighting.
Safety is about your physical safety - if you’re in immediate danger, please walk away, now! - but it’s also about financial safety, emotional safety, and, in general, about not feeling like you’re surrounded by chaos and that you need to be on high alert all the time.
Yes, I know it’s hard – you’ve most probably shrugged just at the thought of “waiting around” for somebody else to do that thing you’re perfectly capable of doing on your own, or (big gasp!) at the idea of asking for help.
Now, I want you to slow down and hear me out: being open to receiving is not about you not being capable (or not) of doing and getting everything you need on your own.
Let me say this louder:
Being able and open to receive does not have any sort of reflection on your skills, abilities, or independence. There’s a difference between being able to do something and actually doing that thing.
As you will learn how to lean into your feminine energy, you will discover how magnetic it is, how easy you can attract things into your life, but for now, practice being open, practice being comfortable with this energy of receiving.
Here are a few short examples:
Accept compliments with grace - and a smile.
Just say “thank you” if somebody makes a small kind or courteous gesture - like holding the door for you (instead of, you know, protesting that there’s no need).
Let your partner decide where you’ll go out.
Don’t be so rushed into saying “I’ll do it”... pause a bit.
And absolutely think twice before saying “No thank you, I can handle it.”
Maybe slowly move into a space where you can also ask for help (depending on where you’re starting, it may be easier or more difficult for you).

Photo credit: Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Whether you choose to start with the list of practices in this post, or with something else, I want you to know this: there is no one single way of manifesting your femininity. We’re all different, and we each resonate with different things, so the way we express our femininity will be different.
Since you're just starting, you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of practices, information, and options you have (there is such a thing as option overwhelm!).
You want to take what resonates with you and don’t force yourself into habits, behaviors, or even looks you don’t feel comfortable with.
It may be that the timing is not right for you to try that tip or practice, or that it's simply not aligned with who you are - and that is fine.
What matters most is to give yourself the time and grace to experiment and see what suits you.
Embracing your feminine energy is, in fact, a return to self.
If you would like to find out more about how you can relax into your feminine energy, live a life of abundance and femininity without compromising on your success, schedule a session with me - at the time I’m writing this, the first session is free, so take advantage while it lasts.
You can also contact me through my chat or follow me on social for more blog posts, freebies, and updates.