10 Essential Practices to Tap into Your Feminine Energy
If you've been stuck in your masculine energy for too long, and you are feeling uncertain about what it means or how to go about accessing your feminine energy, this article will guide you through 10 practices to incorporate into your life so you can awaken the goddess in you
There was a time - not so long ago - when I found myself caught up in my masculine energy, constantly pushing forward, stressing myself out, and neglecting my feminine side.
So there I was: after a lifetime spent mostly in my masculine energy, trying to understand this "femininity" - "feminine energy" concept; I was feeling - truth be told, a bit lost, a bit overwhelmed. All this was so foreign to me that I couldn't even picture myself living a more feminine life.
I knew that true transformation couldn't solely rely on external changes; I refused to view femininity as a superficial shell defined by appearances or material aspects. I wanted something deeper, something that would bring about authentic change from within. So, I wondered, what does embracing femininity truly mean? How would it manifest in my life? What differences would I experience?
If you can relate to my journey, feeling uncertain about what it means or how to go about accessing your feminine energy, this article is for you.

1. Slow Down
No, really, slow. down. I know that there’s a lot on your plate. I know life keeps pulling us in one thousand directions, but you need to give yourself permission to slow down and take a break from time to time.
So much of what's to follow depends on it - because you can't really hear your intuition, or allow your creativity to manifest from a state of stress and rush; in other words, it's more difficult, if at all possible, to access your feminine energy when you are not relaxed enough.
2. Connect to Your Body, Mind, and Soul
From this state of softness, you can stay connected to your mind, body, and soul. Here are a few questions for you:
What does your body need? Are you able to honor that?
When was the last time you’ve allowed your mind to relax - instead of running from one thought to the other?
Are you aware of your soul’s desires? Do you allow them to be heard, to take space, are you comfortable expressing them?
In a world where there’s a premium on rushing and competing - even at your own expense, in a world that makes it so easy to lose ourselves in the daily grind, dare to remain grounded, dare to pay attention to your own needs and desires, dare to be authentic.
It will feel like the chains are finally off.
3. Pay Attention to the Quality of Your Actions
If you’ve read one single article about feminine and masculine energies, you’ve surely heard that the masculine is about doing, and the feminine is about being.
Does this mean that to be in your feminine you need to stop everything you’re doing and never take action? Well, no, for more than one reason.
First, because you want to learn to balance masculine and feminine - it’s not about being in your feminine energy at all times but rather about knowing how to use both of them.
Second, because taking breaks and resting does not mean completely stopping and just being still (incidentally, the feminine is repelled by stagnation).
Third, and most importantly, because I think too many get this point wrong: you see, it’s not about acting or not acting, but rather about the quality of our actions.
So maybe you are in that big meeting with high stakes, but instead of your classic “push through it, compete, win at any cost” approach, you’re now connected to your intuition enough that you know how to influence others or to make better, faster decisions; maybe your receptivity works at a different level, and you use that, your empathy, your gift for connection to listen intently and drive consensus.
4. Allow yourself to be creative, wild, spontaneous
Even if only in small doses in the beginning; femininity thrives when you allow it to be free, to imagine, to create - so get that side project going, allow yourself to laugh out loud, surprise your friends and loved ones, try out new things without any expectation. Allow life to flow, as femininity loves flow.
5. Learn to spot harmful patterns and beliefs
Some harmful beliefs are obvious - like “Women are weak”, but others are more insidious because on the surface they seem to make sense: “Winners never sleep”; “Keep your emotions for yourself”, “They shouldn’t know you can be vulnerable”, “Success is about status/money”… and I could go on, and on - and pretty sure you can, too. These beliefs are the result of a masculine way of viewing the world, and they are sure to keep you in a masculine way of being and acting.
As you grow in your full, feminine strength, you’ll learn to spot these kinds of beliefs quicker - in yourself and others. You’ll learn to distance yourself from them. You’ll learn to let go of the pressure to behave (or not) in certain ways to prove yourself.
The first step is to start questioning your own beliefs and start changing the patterns that are not serving you. It’s not an overnight change, but it is one of the most powerful you could embrace.
6. Seek and nurture connections with other women, especially the ones going through a similar journey
There is something undeniably freeing and reassuring about being able to share your experience, your thoughts, your feelings with others, without having to explain yourself too much, without fearing your questions could sound weird.
This is because those people get you - they’ve been there, they’ve experienced something similar, or maybe they are even going through the same thing as you, right now. So I encourage you to find your tribe of women.
I encourage you to start with one person, if one is all you can, for the time being. You’ll understand that you are not alone; you’ll learn, and you’ll connect to others - an aspect our feminine spirit craves for.
Incidentally, this is also why Garden of Shakti exists: to help you in your journey to a more feminine life, to be a source of inspiration and reassurance - so keep an eye on the updates and articles, and feel free to ask your questions here or on social media.
7. Smile, and Give Grace
How do you want to go through life? An honest smile will not only soften your mind (and facial features) but will most probably put others in a more positive mood. So smile as frequently as you can; my philosophy now is that I need a reason not to smile, instead of needing one to smile.
Learn to give grace, to yourself and others; nobody’s perfect, we all make mistakes. Learning to accept this will help you move easier in life, with fewer struggles and regrets. I’m not saying you should become a doormat.
Forgiving someone does not mean tolerating bad behavior again. It simply means that you look at others and yourself with kindness, before judging.
8. Allow Your Partner to Be in the Masculine Energy
There, I've said it. Yes, I know it’s hard. You would probably never go out if you didn’t make the arrangements yourself. Vacations? Forget about it, you’ve always been the one to plan them.
Yet, as crazy as it sounds, if you want to be able to be more in your feminine energy you must allow your partner to be in his masculine; that means letting him arrange that date, or serve you a glass of wine in the evening, or pay for the dinner. It means not doing, trying, arranging (oops, have I misspelled controlling?) so much.
We each have our context, but I’m sure that if you look close enough, you’ll find plenty of occasions to practice being in your feminine, and allow your SO to take the reigns… just for that one occasion, at least in the beginning.
9. Involve All Your Senses in All Experiences
Want an easy, instant improvement of any mundane experience?
Live it fully; that means taking in that experience through all your senses - like, when was the last time you took a shower and really noticed how it felt having the water run down your body, enjoying the scent of the shower creme, noticing the water as it splashes, feeling it cleansing, rejuvenating you?
When was the last time you really looked and noticed the trees, the flowers, the quality of the light between the trees’ branches? Or the last time you really enjoyed food - how it looks, textures, temperature, taste, smell?
By placing your attention and truly, deeply experiencing each moment, we enhance the quality of our day-to-day life. Because vacations are great, but wouldn’t you rather enjoy more of your life?
10. Manifest Your Femininity on the Outside
I remember not wearing makeup or dresses for years. Who needs that, when you’re in a rush? Much in the same way, my house was practical, comfortable, but… it lacked the “spark”.
I know that I’ve started this article by saying that I intended to go deeper, and not stay on the surface of what femininity may look and feel like, and I stand by what I said, because here’s the thing: the changes that I’ve made - to my looks, to my environment - all came from an internal need for expression, not as copies of something I didn’t relate to.
I can’t tell you when, but somewhere in my journey back to myself I found myself wearing makeup; and dresses; and flowy materials; I started decorating my house more, paying attention to tones and textures, I’ve started appreciating flowers and sunsets.
I’m not just mentioning this as a fun fact, but because I know of the hidden fear a lot of women have, the fear that if they look or behave feminine they will no longer be seen as tough, capable, as… Well, as “one of the guys”.
It took me a while to feel secure enough in my femininity to be able to show it on the outside. Do you know what happened? Nothing bad. Really. Turns out, it was just (another) one of my (unfounded) fears.
If you are thinking about expressing more of yourself, more of your femininity, I encourage you to do so unapologetically. Because a life well lived is a life where we can relax into who we are. And because this world could really do with a bit more feminine spirit in it, anyway.
If you would like to find out more about how you can relax into your feminine energy, live a life of abundance and femininity without compromising on your success, schedule a session with me - at the time I’m writing this, the first session is free, so take advantage while it lasts.
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